If you stay at Knowle Farm you can meet some of the hens who are now enjoying a new lease of life and freedom to roam where they like. These six had to get used to their surroundings before being let out to be fully free range. For the first time they were able to walk on and eat grass (yes, they like eating grass!), socialise properly with other chickens and explore the ground for bugs and other treasures.
In just a few weeks their feathers re-grew and they were completely unrecognisable. They also continued to lay eggs, except these were far tastier than any they laid in their old cages thanks to the natural diet they now enjoy.
If you have a garden with a little bit of space, and fancy giving some of these girls an amazing new home (and if you like the idea of being thanked with delicious, free eggs), then visit the website of the brilliant British Hen Welfare Trust.